San Cristobal Island

San Cristobal Island
Gateway to the Galapagos
As one of the oldest islands in the Galapagos Archipelago, San Cristobal offers a blend of history, nature, and conservation. Its role as a frequent first stop for visitors to the islands makes it an unforgettable introduction to the enchantment of the Galapagos.

Situated in the eastern part of the archipelago, San Cristóbal serves as the political capital of the Galápagos, hosting the provincial government.
The island’s diverse landscapes, from azure beaches and serene lagoons to mist-covered highlands, are teeming with wildlife.
Snorkeling and diving in the waters around Isabela reveal a world of marine biodiversity, including sharks, rays, and seahorses.
Island Wildlife

This bird is endemic to the island, easily recognized by its distinctive song and curious nature.

Sea lion
The Galapagos sea lions are a common sight on the beaches and shores of San Cristóbal, often seen lounging in the sun or playfully swimming in the coastal waters.

Lava Lizard
Endemic to the island, this lizard is a small, agile reptile, often seen sunning on rocks or darting quickly away when approached.

These large seabirds are often seen soaring near the coast. The males are known for their bright red throat pouch, which they inflate to attract females during mating season.

Marine Iguana
The only sea-going lizard in the world, remarkable for its ability to swim.

Galapagos Tortoise
The most famous inhabitants of the islands, known for their impressive lifespan, which can exceed 100 years.