Española Island

Española Island
Avian Paradise of the Galapagos
Española Island, the southernmost outpost of the Galapagos, is an evolutionary showcase where the dance of life unfolds in the air, on land, and in the sea. Its remote location has fostered the development of many endemic species, making it a critical site for conservation and study.

This ancient island, one of the oldest in the archipelago, sits isolated to the south, offering pristine habitats for its inhabitants.
Renowned for its spectacular cliff-side nesting sites and the dramatic blowhole, Española’s rugged beauty captivates all who visit.
Witness the majestic waved albatrosses during their breeding season on guided walks to their nesting sites.
Island Wildlife

Waved albatross
The land iguana feeds primarily on plants and can be found basking in the sun on rocky grounds.

Swallow-tailed Gulls
An example of evolution in isolation, they have vestigial wings due to the absence of land predators, which makes flying unnecessary.

Blue-footed Booby
These birds are easily recognized by their bright blue feet, which they proudly display in their mating dances.

Nazca Booby
The only penguin species found north of the equator and is one of the smallest species of penguins.

Marine Iguana
The only sea-going lizard in the world, remarkable for its ability to swim.

Sea Turtles
The waters around Española Island are also frequented by green sea turtles, especially during their breeding season.